Frans van Eemeren
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Professor Emeritus Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric University of Amsterdam, Guest Professor Leiden University, Jiangsu University, Sun-yat Sen University, Zhejiang University.
His research interests include argumentation theory and rhetorical and dialectical analysis of argumentative discourse.
Together with Rob Grootendorst (1944-2000), Frans van Eemeren is the auctor intellectualis of the influential pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation. The pragma-dialectical theory systematically combines normative insights from philosophical dialectics and dialogue logic with pragmatic insights fromspeech acttheory, Gricean theory, and discourse analysis and is applied in the analysis, evaluation and production of oral and written argumentative discourse. The theory incorporates the notion of an ideal model for critical discussion, with 10 procedural rules governing the process of resolving a difference of opinion on the merits. Each violation of a discussion rule means that a fallacy has been committed which hinders the possibility of the difference of opinion being resolved in a reasonable manner.
In the last decade, Frans van Eemeren has worked together with Peter Houtlosser (1956-2008) on the development of a fruitful theoretical approach to the “argumentative predicament” in argumentative discourse of pursuing both the aims of remaining reasonable and resolving a difference of opinion in one’s own favour at the same time. This research project centers around the notion of strategic maneuvering, pertaining to thewayin which a discussant maneuvers between dialectical and rhetorical requirements.
In 2010 he published the monograph Strategic Maneuvering in Argumentative Discourse, which proposes an integration of rhetorical insights in the pragma-dialectical method for reconstructing and evaluating argumentative discourse.
Van Eemeren is (co-)author of some fifty book publications along with a large number of articles and book chapters. Among his key publications are Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions (1984), Argumentation, Communication, and Fallacies (1992), Reconstructing Argumentative Discourse (1993), Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory (1996), A Systematic Theory of Argumentation (2004), and Argumentative Indicators in Discourse (2007), and Fallacies and Judgments of Reasonableness (2009). Publications of Frans van Eemeren have been translated into Albanian, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
The RMA program ‘Rhetoric, Argumentation theory and Philosophy’ at the University of Amsterdam has been developed by Frans van Eemeren together with other members of the department of Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric to provide a solid background in argumentation theory and its foundations for both national and international students interested in doing research. Students from both the Netherlands and other countries all over the world are instructed on various subjects such as argumentation theory, speech act theory, the philosophy of language, fallacies, empirical research methods and logic. The program is held in very high esteem both nationally and internationally and has led to successful PhD applications for almost all of its graduates.
Frans van Eemeren is a Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association of the United States, Fulbright Professor, recipient of various research awards, chairman of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Argumentation , Springer’s Argumentation Library, and John Benjamins’ book series Argumentation in Context.
A complete publication list of Frans van Eemeren is available upon request.
Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions (1984), Argumentation, Communication, and Fallacies (1992), Reconstructing Argumentative Discourse (1993), A Systematic Theory of Argumentation (2004), Argumentative Indicators in Discourse (2007), Fallacies and Judgments of Reasonableness (2009), Strategic Maneuvering in Argumentative Discourse (2010), Handbook of Argumentation Theory (2014), Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse (2015), Prototypical Argumentative Patterns in Discourse (2017), Argumentation Theory: A Pragma-Dialectical Perspective (2018).
In the Spotlight
van Eemeren, Frans H. 2019. Argumentative Style: A Complex Notion. Argumentation 33/2: 153-171.
van Eemeren, Frans H. 2018. Argumentation Theory: A Pragma-Dialectical Perspective. Cham: Springer.
Presentation of the 2011 ISSA Award by Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, on 4 July 2014, at the Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam
Knighthood in the Order of the Dutch Lion
Awarded 28 June, 2013 at the Amsterdam City Hall by the Mayor of Amsterdam, Mr. Eberhart van der Laan, on behalf of King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands
Valediction speech
Frans van Eemeren presented his valediction speech ‘In reasonableness’ on the occasion of his retirement as Chair of the Department of Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric of the University of Amsterdam in the Lutheran Church on May 13, 2011.
Farewell Colloquium with festschrift
Honory degree